Mountain Spring Water of Santa Barbara Inc., Logo

** When paying please include your MSW account number in the feild titled "cardholder name"

Master Card Visa Discover American Express

Call: (805) 964-4211

Santa Barbara, CA 93117-3806


About Mountain Spring Water of Santa Barbara

We strive to provide every customer with truly outstanding customer service! Our customer service team answers your phone call, not a call center in some distant city where they ask you if its Santa Barbara California or Santa Barbara, Chile. 

Need more or less water? Just let your driver know - our delivery drivers are the most friendly and accommodating in the business - or give us a call. We adjust to your needs.  We guarantee that your calls will be answered promptly by a member of our customer service team.  After your call ends, you’ll be thinking “wow, now THAT was outstanding customer service!”.

Misson Statement

Our mission statement consists of two interrelated parts: Water Service Trucks

Product Mission

To make, distribute and sell the finest quality bottled water with continued commitment to incorporating wholesome, natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment.

Water Service Trucks

Economic Mission

To operate the company on a sustainable financial basis of profitable growth, increasing value for shareholders and expanding opportunities for development and career growth for our employees.

Central to the mission of Mountain Spring Water of Santa Barbara Inc. is the belief that both parts must thrive equally in a manner that commands deep respect for individuals inside and outside the company and supports the community they are a part of.